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Wheelchair mobility training

Wheelchair mobility training
Image source: Rolli-Treff-Franken e.V.

Wheelchair mobility training: freedom on wheels

Wheelchair mobility training is a comprehensive training course that enables people in wheelchairs to optimize their mobility, overcome obstacles and lead a self-determined life with more independence.

The basics: insights into wheelchair mobility training

Wheelchair mobility training is more than just learning basic wheelchair techniques. It is a holistic experience that improves mobility in everyday life and boosts self-confidence. From correct posture in a wheelchair to techniques for overcoming obstacles, this training teaches valuable skills for everyday use.

Focus on self-determination and independence

Wheelchair mobility training aims to give people in wheelchairs the tools they need to live self-determined and independent lives. The training includes navigating safely through different terrains, overcoming obstacles and learning techniques to get around efficiently in everyday life. These skills strengthen not only physical but also emotional independence.

Community and sharing experiences

Wheelchair mobility training creates a supportive community of people who share similar challenges. The exchange of experiences plays a central role, and participants find inspiration and motivation to achieve their own goals in terms of mobility and quality of life. This community becomes an important resource for support and understanding.

Accessibility as a guiding principle

A key element of wheelchair mobility training is the promotion of accessibility. The training covers not only individual skills, but also raising awareness of how to create an inclusive environment. Participants are encouraged to overcome barriers, be they physical or social in nature.

Conclusion: movement as liberation

Wheelchair mobility training is a journey to freedom on wheels, a journey that not only develops physical skills but also unleashes the power of self-determination. Every meter covered is a step towards independence and self-confidence. Experience freedom on wheels and discover how wheelchair mobility training can transform life in a wheelchair.

Image source: Spotlight Media with Rolli-Treff Franken e.V.

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