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Active vacation

Active vacation

Active vacation: Your guide for adventure and recreation

Active vacation is a type of travel in which vacationers focus their leisure activities on outdoor sports and adventure experiences while enjoying active and health-conscious vacations.

Are you tired of spending your vacation days lazily on the beach? Would you like to fill your vacation with action and adventure instead? Then you've come to the right place! In this article we will explain you the basics of active vacation, from the rules to the procedure and the equipment you need. Whether you are a beginner in this exciting sport or already experienced, we have some valuable tips to make your active vacations unforgettable.

Basics and rules

Active vacations are a great way to explore nature while staying fit. There are no hard and fast rules, but there are some basics you should keep in mind:

  • Respect for nature: Leave no trace and follow the rules of conservation.

  • Safety first: Always wear the right protective gear and be aware of local hazards.

  • Planning is everything: Plan your activities in advance and pay attention to the weather as well as any permits you may need.


The course of your active vacation depends on your preferences and goals. You could choose hiking, biking, climbing, scuba diving, surfing or even white water rafting. Here is a rough overview:

  1. Planning: Decide on your activities, choose a suitable destination and plan your trip.

  2. Equipment: Make sure you have the right equipment for your chosen activity. This can range from sturdy footwear to a tent.

  3. Doing: Enjoy your activities, whether it's exploring hiking trails, biking through scenic landscapes or experiencing exciting water sports.

  4. Relaxation: Active vacations aren't just about physical exertion. Take time to relax and enjoy the surroundings.

Equipment needed

The equipment needed depends largely on the activity you choose. However, here are some basic items you should consider for an active vacation:

  • Backpack: To carry your gear.

  • Outdoor clothing: Depending on the season and the activity, you will need weatherproof clothing and appropriate footwear.

  • Navigation: A map, GPS device or outdoor app can help you find your way.

  • Sleeping bag and tent: If you plan to spend the night in nature.

Tips for Beginners

  • Choose an appropriate activity: Decide on an activity that suits your interests and fitness level.

  • Research in advance: Find out about the region you want to travel to and plan your activities carefully.

  • Train beforehand: If you are not very physically active, prepare for your active vacation by training.

  • Travel in a group: Especially as a beginner, it can be safer to travel with others.

Active vacations are a fantastic way to combine adventure and relaxation. Whether you want to travel to the mountains, the beach or the jungle, there are countless ways to explore nature and stay fit at the same time.

Pack your backpack and experience the world in an active way!

See you soon on your adventure!

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