
Tennis: rules, counting, tie-break and more

Tennis is a return game in which two or four players with rackets take turns passing a tennis ball to each other over a net, trying to score points by preventing the opponent from returning the ball according to the rules.

What is the process of a tennis match?

A tennis match consists of several sets. Each set can consist of several games and a game can in turn consist of several points. The procedure of a tennis match can be described as follows:

1. Before the match:

The two players enter the court and greet each other. Then, the coin toss takes place to decide who will serve first.

2. Serve:

The player who wins the coin toss can decide whether to serve first or let his opponent serve.
The server starts from the right and hits the ball diagonally across the net into the front rectangle of his opponent's court. If he does not hit this square, he first gets a second try. If he misses again, it is a double fault and the server has lost the point. If he hits, the return player stands on the other side of the net and returns the ball. The server serves for the entire game. After each game, the serve is changed. You can also win a serve right away. If the serve is so good that the ball cannot be touched by the opponent, it is called an ace. However, if this ball can still be touched by the opponent but cannot be returned according to the rules, this is a service winner.

3. Rally:

After the serve, the rally begins. The players take turns hitting the ball to each other, and the ball must be played into the opponent's court.

4. Points and Counting:

Basically, a player gets a point if the opponent makes a mistake or cannot return the ball. Below we list you all scenarios in which a player gets a point:

  • Opponent plays the ball out of bounds resp. not to the other player's side

  • Opponent hits the ball into the net or plays the ball to the net and it lands on his side of the court

  • Ball comes up twice on the opponent's side of the court

  • Opponent touches the net with his own body, clothing or racket as long as the ball is in play

In a game, you need 4 points to win. However, the points are not counted in the order 1-2-3-4, but as a 15-30-40 game. So after the first won rally the score is 15-0, and after a second point it could be 30-0 or 15-15. If a player whose count already shows 40 scores another point, it is called a "game" and he wins the first point in the set. The score is now 1:0 in the set, and the second game begins.

A special feature occurs when both players have won three rallies each and the score is 40:40. In tennis, this condition is called "deuce." If a player wins the rally after deuce, it is called "advantage". He has the advantage to win the current game. If this player also wins the next point, it is "game" and he wins the point in the set. However, if the opponent wins the next rally, it is again a deuce. A player who wins two rallies in a row after a deuce has won the game. The server always announces the score. If the server has the advantage, it is called "advantage up". But if the returner has the advantage, it is called "advantage back".

5. Change of serve and sides:

After each game, the players change the serve. The player who won the previous game gets to serve first.

Players switch sides of the court after every third, sixth, and subsequent odd game, and after every completed set, except when the sum of games in a set is an even number (2, 4, 6, and so on). Then change sides after the first game of the following set. A short break may be taken after each change of sides.

In a tie-break match, players change sides of the court without breaks after a common 6 points.

6. Sets:

A match consists of several sets. A set can consist of several games. To win a set, a player must win at least six games and be ahead by at least two games. If the score is 6:6, a tie-break is played to decide the set.

It's a little different in so-called Grand Slams. Although women also win here after 2 sets or a maximum of 3 winning sets, men must play 3 winning sets. However, 4 or a maximum of 5 sets ("Best of Five") can also be played, because at the latest then a player has won three winning sets. In association matches, mainly for time reasons, no more than two sets are played to decide if the sets are tied, but a tie-break to 10 points is played. It is also called match tie-break or champions tie-break.

7. End of match:

The player who first wins two or three sets (depending on tournament rules) wins the match.

Additional: The tie-break in tennis

There are two different tie-breaks. The set tie-break and the match or champions tie-break.

The set tie-break is a decisive service game at the end of a set, you could say a kind of mini-set. If the score in a set is 5 to 5, then it is played to 7. So the possible final score could be 7:5. However, there is also the possibility that the score is 6 to 6. If both players have won 6 games each, the tie-break is played. In the tie-break the points are counted normally with "0", "1", "2" etc. until "7". If a player reaches 7 points and the opponent does not reach more than 5, this player wins the tie-break and thus also the set. Otherwise, play continues until one player is ahead by two points. So you can imagine that a tie-break can also sometimes go out 13 to 11.

A match tie-break is played when both players have won one set each. In the Grand Slam one would play still another third (men also 4. or 5.), crucial set, but in the club sport this lasts mostly too long. Therefore one plays instead the match tie-break to 10 points. As we already know it, you also win a match tie-break with 2 points ahead.

In the tie-break is served a little differently than in the normal set. Although the server also starts here from the right, but serves only once. After that, the serve is changed immediately and the other player or team serves. The other player then starts with a serve from the left and then serves again from the right. Continuing, both players alternately serve for two points each in a row.

The game forms and tournaments in tennis

Tennis is a versatile sport, as it can be practiced not only in singles competition, but also in doubles, for example. In addition, there are team games in which a team from one club competes against the team of another club.
We list the most important forms of the game for you here:


Here, two players compete against each other, each on his side of the court. The goal is to hit the ball over the net in such a way that the opponent cannot return it.


In this form of the game, two players play on each side of the court. The rules in singles and doubles are very similar. The only difference in the court is that the doubles strip (the two outermost side strips on the court) are shared in doubles, but are not part of the court in singles.

There are several variations of doubles, such as men's doubles, women's doubles and mixed doubles, where a man and a woman play together.


Here, a man and a woman play together as partners. This form of the game is often played in tournaments and competitions

Singles against doubles:

Here a player competes in singles against a doubles. The singles player has the advantage of playing the court alone, while the doubles players have the advantage of sharing the court, allowing them to move around and act tactically more effectively.

Challenger tournaments:

These tournaments pit players who are not yet playing at the highest level. They serve as qualifying tournaments for higher levels.

Grand Slam tournaments:

These are the most prestigious tennis events and consist of the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open. The best players in the world compete here and fight for the title of Grand Slam champion.

The Grand Slams are the four largest and most prestigious events to be played in professional tennis. They earn the winners an above-average number of points for the world rankings and are always exciting events. At the beginning of the year, the Australia Open takes place in Melbourne. Between mid-May and early June, theFrench Open follows in Paris. From the end of June, the Wimbledon Championships will be held in the London borough of Wimbledon. The US Open tennis tournament is the fourth and final Grand Slam tournament of the year. It takes place in August or September in New York.

At the Grand Slams, the surface of the court is different. The Australia Open and the US Open are played on a mostly blue hard court. The French Open is played on red sand. Lastly, Wimbledon is played on green, specially made grass. However, you can also find these different surfaces outside of the Grand Slams.

What equipment do I need to play tennis?

In tennis, you need certain equipment to play the game. The basic pieces of equipment are:

  1. Tennis racket: The tennis racket is the most important utensil that you need in tennis. There are different types of tennis rackets, which differ in size, shape, weight and material. When buying a tennis racket, it is important that it suits one's playing style.

  2. Tennis balls: Tennis balls are hollow, yellow balls designed specifically for tennis. They are usually made of rubber and covered with a layer of felt. When buying tennis balls, you should pay attention to the quality to make sure they are durable and bounce well.

  3. Tennis clothing:It is important to wear comfortable and breathable clothing that allows freedom of movement. There are special tennis clothes, such as tennis shoes, tennis socks, shorts, and T-shirts that are specially designed for tennis.

  4. Tennis net: The tennis net is the net that divides the court in the middle. It is made of a nylon or polyester blend and has a certain height and tension.

Optionally, you can also use the following equipment:

  1. Tennis ball basket: The tennis ball basket is a basket in which the tennis balls can be stored during practice or warm-up.

  2. Tennis Bracelet: The tennis bracelet is an accessory worn around the wrist to catch sweat and prevent the racket from slipping.

  3. Sunscreen: Since tennis is played outdoors, it is important to protect yourself from the sun and wear a sunscreen with a high SPF.

What skills are trained in tennis?

Tennis is a sport that requires and trains many different skills. Among the most important are:

  1. Condition: Tennis requires stamina and endurance, as you are constantly moving around the court and need to react quickly.

  2. Coordination: Tennis requires good hand-eye coordination, as you need to hit the ball quickly and accurately.

  3. Reaction time:In tennis, you need to react quickly to the ball and be able to adjust to your opponent's strokes.

  4. Speed: Tennis requires quick reflexes and reactions, as you have to quickly switch between different strokes and move around the court.

  5. Tactics: Tennis requires a good tactical approach, as you have to adapt to your opponent's style of play during the match and develop strategies to defeat your opponent.

  6. Concentration: Tennis requires high concentration as you need to focus on the ball and the opponent and react quickly to changes in the game.

  7. Strength: Tennis also requires strength, especially in the arms, legs and core, to hit the ball quickly and accurately and move around the court.

Regular tennis training can improve all of these skills, which can be beneficial not only for tennis, but also for other sports and everyday life.

How did the sport of tennis originate?

The exact history of the origin of tennis is not entirely clear, but it is believed that the origin of the sport can be found in medieval France. Originally, the sport was called "Jeu de Paume" and was played without a racket, but with the hand.

Over time, the ball was replaced by a tennis ball, and the racket was introduced to make the game more precise and effective. The modern version of tennis was developed in Britain in the 19th century, where it was first called "Real Tennis". The name "tennis" was later introduced to distinguish it from other ball games.

In 1877, the first official tennis tournament, the Wimbledon Tournament, was held and the rules and standards for tennis were standardized. Subsequently, tennis became a very popular sport around the world and is now played at a professional level in various tournaments and championships, such as the Grand Slam tournaments (Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and US Open)


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